The need to knead
Friday, 3rd April 2020 ◆ Boy studies baked goods (6) ◆ Comments (4)Whenever I try and make bread, I follow these steps:
- Mix water, flour, salt, yeast
- Combine into a dough
- Knead
- Leave to rise
- Knead
- Bake
I am lazy, though, and am curious if the lengthy kneading at stages 3 and 5 really makes any difference.

So, I decided to test it out. I made four rolls with each combination of kneads: before and after, before only, after only and neither.

I was hoping to have seen a difference in the way the rolls rose in the oven, but they were all the same size. And after cutting them open... they were all pretty much the same too.
- I have been wasting my time kneading dough
- I am not making bread properly
I would be curious to see the results from someone who is actually good at baking...
Third drops back before queen, produces pies (5)
Nice clue! I think "produces Victoria sponge" might be a nice end to the clue - ties it all together?
Right is the kneaded one I think!
Clockwise from top-left: before only, both, after only, neither.