Friday, 6th December 2024Karvi marks the second BGA implementation I make this year (after Botanicus). Again, it's a Euro game by Hans im Glück, but it's little meatier than Botanicus.
In Karvi, workers take the form of dice, upon which pips represent "beer" or the resources available for that die to spend on actions. As you move dice around the board you can deplete their beer levels to perform various actions.

There's also a map across which you go trading and raiding with your Karve (which I learnt is a type of Viking longship), and building outposts and trading posts.

It's currently in Beta, which means the game is open to anyone, with the caveat the implementation might not be perfect. I don't know when it will be fully released, but I'm happy with the implementation. One tiny feature that I'm happy with is when moving the Karve long distances, the boat will animate from location to location to show the journey taken.
I'm really happy to be able to continue making games for BGA despite no longer working there full time. It's a lot of fun, and exciting to still be part of the site.
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